Until We meet Again—

Health, Wealth & Happiness has kept us so busy in this world that we don’t even have time to say “Hello” or “Namaste” to others. Being Tired of Daily struggles & countless painful experiences we tend to question the meaning of our life and sometimes ask “Why am I even Alive?” Most of the time, we convince ourselves to live a hopeless life when we don’t find answers to our pain & struggles.

I am happy that I got a chance to talk to you about something meaningful about life. And isn’t it surprising that you are still reading with a hope to find some answer?

Until We meet Again


In the beginning God created this wonderful universe. And to rule over this beautiful universe, God created humans. There was no pain, no suffering, no sickness and the world was joyful. God created humans in his own image with a power to “Think & Take Decisions”. Everything was Perfect!

Broken Relationship

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Broken Relationship

By Disobeying God human lost his relationship & power. He chose to break his relationship with God & Allowed Sin to rule. And by that Sin, the world is now under pain, suffering, sickness, poverty etc. The sin has brought Curse & death upon Mankind.

God’s Promise

God is Gracious. He loved us so much that he chose to die for us. According to the Holy Bible & World history, Jesus was born 2000yrs ago. He redeemed the sinners, healed the blind & Lame, Cured diseases, Raised dead and to show his unconditional love towards us, he became our sacrifice by letting his hands & legs to be nailed on the cross. He sacrificed his last drop of blood to free us from the bondage of sin. His death has redeemed us from the sin. And on the third day, he rose again from the Dead. Dear Friends, this is not a fictitious story but a historical event. Jesus died for you and Me so that we are saved from the eternal punishment & have eternal life. What an Amazing Love isn’t it? Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, & the Life” (John 14:6). If you accept Jesus and his sacrifice then you can be saved from your sin and come back to the relationship that was broken. Jesus wants to

God’s Promise

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One Stop for All

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Give you this Freedom. If you believe, Jesus can forgive your sins and give you a new life then please accept this gift of Salvation. We may not Meet Again but Jesus Wants to meet you. If you want to accept Jesus as your savior then say this simple prayer from your heart.


Dear God, I am a sinner and I cannot save myself. I thank you for sending Jesus into this world to save me. I believe that Jesus died for my sins on the cross and rose again on the third day. He bore all my sins on the cross. Jesus, Please forgive & Accept Me. Amen! If you wish to know more about Jesus, reach us through mentioned medium!
